Monday, December 16, 2013

Merry Christmas BeyHive!

So...I love all kinds of music. I love Jazz, Neo-Soul, classical music. I love to dance and cry and laugh and sing and write and live to music. I love it all and I will admit I am a huge Beyonce fan. I used to deny it all the time. Not sure why. Maybe it was because she was every where doing everything. To me, all she did was since dance music. Nothing with any true depth. Don't get me wrong -I love to dance so Freakum Dress, Ring the Alarm, Crazy in Love, and Diva always got me hype at the gym and when I needed to write a very busy scene. Then I heard her sing Flaws and All on Ellen and immediately fell in love with the song. It showed that Beyonce wasn't just a powerful singer telling everyone that she could never be hurt or scared or afraid because she is the great and powerful Beyonce. I've always needed music that made me feel something other than I'm a diva and I don't have to worry about someone hurting me. I heard Flaws and All a month or two after I got engaged. I was so nervous about getting married after just two months of accepting this life long proposal. It just scared me. Flaws and All helped me out tremendously. If you're in a relationship, married or not, and haven't heard this, you need to. Anyone married would understand but also in a relationship, you would too. Then I saw the video and it showed so much of a vulnerable Beyonce, that I had to admit that I was a true diehard fan. I love her music, style, honesty, the whole thing. Didn't understand the name Blue Ivy, didn't believe she was with Jay-Z until I heard it from her lips that they were together but I was still with her fans every step of the way. I teared up when she announced that she was pregnant. I ooh and ah at the baby pictures and the more open she became, she became more accessible. Okay ---so flash forward to December 13, Beyonce releases her fifth album Beyonce. 17 tracks and 17 videos accompanied. I saw the 30 second video teasers and I think she's done it again. I love pretty much all of the songs. I thought the song she did with Drake but it'll grow me. I love them all though and can't wait to get the album. I would love to see her in concert. It's definitely on my Bucketlist however...unless I win tickets to see her or by some crazy way, she sees this post and invites me, I don't see it happening anytime soon. Peace and love.

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