Monday, December 16, 2013

Nelson Mandela

I had a blog all ready to post about a loss in our history. We definitely loss a great spirit and soul that we will be thanking for years and years to come but was then distracted by how many people did not Nelson Mandela. Just all around not fully knowing the greatness of this man. I then had to think back and remember that I don't think we were taught about Nelson Mandela until maybe sophomore year of high school. After that it was U.S. history and then American Government. It hurt my heart that they were so many kids that not only didn't know who he was or what he did but not even want to find out who he was. Very saddening to me. It's definitely a need to educate outside of the history books and classes. These kids need to know more than scores on a test. Makes you wonder how our educational system is even working.

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