Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Kanye has fallen off the cliff....literally tripped.

First off -Kanye West is a musical genius. I have had moments where I questioned his direction with some particular songs. I thought he whined a lot when he didn't get the awards he wanted. I have questioned his lyrics but rolled with him. He and Mos Def are the only two artists that made me tear up with hip hop. (I've cried with Luther Vandross, Alexander O'Neil, etc.) When I heard Runaway for the first time and every time after, a tear would escape my eye. So I do believe he does great music as a whole and he appeals to everyone across the board whether they want to admit or not. Now....having said this, I think that Kanye has tripped, fallen off the cliff and mad that the cliff isn't higher than it should be. I first thought this when he went on stage interrupting Taylor Swift. Then he got with Kim Kardashian but he said she was his crush. Ok. Then I thought he was crazy when he got her pregnant. I really don't care for her at all just because of what she represents and who she tries to be. I thought he was sniffing glue when he thought she should have a star on the walk of fame. I thought he drank the glue in one gulp when he compared Kim to our First Lady. The First Lady Michelle Obama -are you kidding Kanye? The video with him and Kim on the bike pretty much grossed me out and I thought I was watching a porno but I digress.

*Insert inhale 

Now this interview that he did with radio personality Sway is a little crazy. I understand that he's telling Sway that he's not on his level so who is he to be giving him advice. I get that. However....why is Kanye so extra mad? Yes be mad about the $13 million lost but shouldn't he be a little less mad now that he has a daughter? Shouldn't he be a little bit calmer now that she's alive and well and healthy? Not quite understanding Kanye. Why haven't you guys chilled out since then? Be parents. Glamorous and famous and wonderful, yes, but be parents and relax. Okay. That's my two cents.

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