Monday, February 3, 2014

Enlightening weekend!

You ever have a moment or a weekend where you've gained insight? You've gained a new perspective, a new outlook, something that just enlightens your mind and being. This past weekend was just that for me. It was like Oprah's Super Soul Sunday or like going to church but not going to church. I was being taught about essentially the same concept but through different avenues. First, I went to have a tarot reading for the first time. I've always been open-minded with learning something new, particularly with spirituality. I believe that anything spiritual is a forever learning journey. It's never ending with infinite ideas and thoughts if you're open-minded and willing to listen. It doesn't hurt to try something new. So with the encouragement of a friend of mine, I went. Anytime she did, she always felt better about her situations so I thought why not? I won't get into what all she said but it definitely showed me that I'm on the right path with my thoughts and emotions. I've been working on daily affirmations and mantras and turning it into a habit by choice. I've been reading a lot of Abraham Hicks and The Secret. It's so funny how through life, there are so many times that we can make a situation a positive one as opposed to a negative. Instead of me saying that 'it's Monday and I hate Mondays', I'm now saying 'I'm grateful I have even have a job to go to on Mondays'. Positivity thinking really does go a long way. The first card I pulled at the reading was 'Ask for what you want. Clarity is everything.' I can honestly attest to this. Without a doubt, when you ask for whatever you want, ask for the specifics and be very clear. I'll blog about these situations. It's the truth though. 

Secondly, I finally got to watch 'The Secret'. I watched it last night and was so blown away by the message that it literally took over my whole mindset. My thoughts going to be bed was different. My thoughts getting up this morning were different -positive. The whole idea of law of attraction is so profound and specific. I love that I have finally opened myself up to not only think more positive but to feel more positive. I look at every situation now with a positive attitude. My TTC journey, learning forgiveness and letting go, self love, my life and actions as a writer -everything will be affected by this and for the better. I'm so excited for everything I desired that is here already. I AM - It's a beautiful thing.

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